The Framework

The Student Diversity and Inclusion Council (SDIC), a newly minted student body composed of diverse student leaders serving under the Office of the President, will curate the campaign.

Integrating Awareness with Engagement

  • This multi-level approach will involve using compelling messaging and branding to reframe Diversity and Inclusion as a universally resonant philosophy of engaging across difference.
  • The renewed interest and energy will then be harnessed through original programming that engenders meaningful dialogue and action.

Starting with Questions, not Answers

  • The campaign prioritizes a willingness to explore, to innovate, and to inspire together. It does not begin with a roadmap to educate or celebrate, but a commitment to co-create a movement together.

Being Student-Driven and University-Wide

  • The campaign empowers students of all backgrounds to take the lead ensuring that its spirit is truly inclusive and its reach is expansive.
  • The campaign creates a centralized mission, which generates an environment of cooperation between existing efforts across the university and strengthens impact.

Building Bridges between Students, Faculty, and Staff

  • The campaign emanates from a unique partnership between institutional and grassroots student efforts and pioneers a new model of collaboration between students, faculty, and staff.